Medical support transforming lives

The Victoria Foundation's grant support for students studying medicine at Nottingham University

Published: 08 August 2024


The Victoria Foundation is proud to award an annual grant of £2,500 to the University of Nottingham to help ensure five medical students, who are facing great financial hardship during their studies, can complete their electives.

On behalf of the University of Nottingham, thank you to The Victoria Foundation for supporting our international medical elective programme. We hope you can take great pride in knowing your funding is supporting the personal and professional development of the next generation of doctors, whilst enabling them to make a vital contribution to healthcare around the world

The following two of five students received a medical elective travel bursary of £500 in 2024 thanks to The Victoria Foundation’s support - 

Sakshi Garg   BMBS Medicine (Clinical), Year 5 of 7

In the summer of 2024, I had the incredible opportunity to undertake an elective in public health in Singapore. This report aims to provide an overview of my experiences, the knowledge I gained, and the impact this elective has had on my professional and personal growth. The elective was hosted by the National University of Singapore (NUS) and involved various activities, including field visits, lectures, and hands-on projects.

This trip would not have been possible if not for the kind sponsorship of The Victoria Foundation, whose financial assistance allowed me to experience an opportunity which would have been impossible otherwise. My elective in public health in Singapore has been an enriching experience that has deepened my understanding of public health. The combination of visits, community projects, and academic learning has equipped me with valuable skills and insights. I am now even more excited to embark on a career of policy-making and to ramp up care for multiple unprivileged groups around the world.

Sue Lai    BMBS Medicine (Clinical), Year 5 of 5

My clinical elective in Taiwan has been nothing short of transformative, shaped profoundly by the guidance of Professor Wei, the support of my colleagues, the rich culture and cuisine of Taiwan, and the unwavering backing from the University of Nottingham Medical School Clinical Elective Team and The Victoria Foundation.

Under the mentorship of Professor Wei, I have been privileged to witness firsthand the artistry and dedication of a master surgeon. His meticulous patient care, coupled with his emphasis on continuous learning and respect for patients, has left an indelible mark on my approach to medicine. His advice—"to become a surgeon, you must first behave like a surgeon"—resonates deeply, reminding me daily of the responsibility and privilege of caring for others.

None of this would have been possible without the unwavering support of the University of Nottingham Medical School and the generous bursary from The Victoria Foundation. Their commitment to fostering global medical education has enabled me to embark on this transformative journey, equipping me with skills and insights that will shape my career as a doctor.

As I reflect on my time in Taiwan, I am filled with gratitude—for the invaluable lessons learned, the friendships forged, and the profound impact this experience has had on my personal and professional growth. I carry forward a renewed sense of purpose and a deep appreciation for the interconnectedness of healthcare, culture, and human connection.    

Please find their detailed reports.